Larissa Barclay is an extraordinary woman who has unparalleled connection with the world and the millions of lives she touches everyday.

Dr. Larissa Barclay is a serial  multi 6 figure earning entrepreneur and business strategist who has helped to create seven multi millionaires, as well as garnered personal sales of well over $5M gross. As an innovative thinker and thought leader, she is always envisioning, strategizing, planning, and executing new and effective means and messages to position companies and individuals for quantum growth. 

She has the ability to motivate and inspire the masses with truth and tools that unleash the passion to succeed. 

She has helped to design and/or implement several strategies to create financial stability, wealth, greater consciousness and all around healthy habits for her clients and mentees. 

As a mother of 3, Host with the Most, Radio personality, & a licensed Elder she puts God first and then family. 

TRU Associates founded by Ms.Barclay, prides itself on the principles of competence, integrity, and real-world results. The firm specializes in brand comprehension, growth strategies, and innovation.